Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Smiling through the end of winter

Look! There it is! It's what I've been waiting for all these months. It's not a photo from flickr, it's one from my very own front yard. Those bulbs I put into the ground last fall or last year are sending shoots up through the semi-frozen ground in an annual display of chutzpah that justifies the time spent on my hands and knees digging in dirt. Those tender green harbingers of spring accomplish so much just by making an appearance. They make me smile.

I might be still wearing my winter coat and wrapping my neck in a scarf, but those budding daffodils and crocuses let me know that warmer weather isn't so far off anymore. It's time to rake those leaves up and clear the way for splashes of yellow and purple, folllowed by tulips of all hues and denominations.

I know we'll soon be sweating our way through torrents of beating sun. We'll go through the outbreak of yellow-green pollen that blankets the earth like snow. Thunderstorms will rattle the windows and knock out the power. And we'll complain about all that. But right now, I'm content to think about that one perfect spring day when blue sky meets green leaves and sunshine spills all over me. I'm drunk on the promise of spring, thanks to a few flowers making their way toward bloom.


  1. Congratulations! I'm so glad spring is almost here, too.

  2. I enjoyed reading your post.

    Funny how crocuses are among the first flower to bloom. But they seem to be among the most vulnerable and fragile. So if the weather turns -- as it often does in the early spring -- they wither.
